Quits, layoffs and discharges, other separations, and total separations, January 2007–November 2017
From the BLS: The number of total separations, which is the sum of quits, layoffs and discharges, and other separations, was 5.2 million in November. The number of quits, which can serve as a measure of workers' willingness or ability to leave jobs, was little changed from the previous month for total private industry. Quits increased in November 2017 in transportation, warehousing, and utilities and state and local government, excluding education. Quits decreased in other services, real estate and rental and leasing, and mining and logging. The number layoffs and discharges was also little changed from October. The number of layoffs and discharges was little changed for total private, for government, and in all industries.
Here is a link to our Voluntary Quits 2016 post.