Understandably since 1776 Americans have had mixed feelings about the British monarchy. In reality, most of the legal basis of our freedom a...

Coronation of King Charles III

Understandably since 1776 Americans have had mixed feelings about the British monarchy. In reality, most of the legal basis of our freedom and wealth stems from the examples and processes created by the royal courts, inheritance and the Magna Carta. 

However, something all American's will love about the Magna Carta: "with regard to the case of James Somerset, and enslaved African, came before Lord Mansfield in 1772, one of Somerset’s supporters, Granville Sharp, argued that Magna Carta prohibited slavery. Mansfield ruled that there was no basis for slavery in the common law of England and Wales, common law that was underpinned by Magna Carta. Any person in slavery in that jurisdiction must therefore be free. In establishing the rights for some, the English barons inadvertently established the rights for more." 

The British monarchy represents a reality greater than the dreary dread of politics & infinitely greater than the false promise of revolution. An institution devoted to the strength of nation and state, a triumph of civilization over the godless chaos of anarchy and barbarism.

An American cannot appreciate the inheritance we have without acknowledging the influence of the UK's laws and liberties.

Chadwick Hagan
May 06, 2023

Magna Carta Antislavery Reference - https://www.antislavery.org/magna-carta-slavery/

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