What will we see in 2020*? - Impeachment? Impeachment has become a tool for both parties to continue to dominate the airwaves...

Forecast: The Year 2020

What will we see in 2020*?

- Impeachment? Impeachment has become a tool for both parties to continue to dominate the airwaves and not get things done. Expect 2020 to be especially hard. Trump and the democrats will step up the fight, and so will the super PACs and state elections. Get ready for big money and dirty fighting, again. This is the new normal.

- Tariffs? China and the US will continue to fight. This for that, here and there. This is the new normal, again.

- Racism is on the rise, particularly anti-antisemitism. There are many reasons for this but, how can this happen in 2020? Western countries and citizens will stand up for Jews and take a stand against the onslaught of anti-antisemitism, but in some places it will remain.

- We hate to group the continent together like this but so be it. South America is in trouble, again. Roughly 30% of the population on the continent want to leave for America. What does this mean? Deep discontent and very little room for poor policy. Unfortunately South America has quite a history of political upheaval.

- Technology changes? Expect one of the tech giants to be broken up and expect one or two to move into banking (hint - it’s not Libra).

* From Chad Hagan & Chaganomics

Below A Prediction List for 2020*:

More people will own a phone than have electricity.

London's "Stratford City" is fully built

China completes the world's largest rail system (120,000 km)

New Zealand's "Rebuilding of Christchurch" is fully built

Indonesian's "Sunda Strait Bridge" is fully built

Saudi Arabia's "Kingdom Tower" is fully built

Congo's "Great Inga Dam" is fully built

Scandinavia and Germany's "Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link" is fully built

China's "Great City" is fully built

Venera-D space probe to reaches Venus

Overwhelmingly Large Telescope (OWL) goes into operation

Giant Magellan Telescope goes into operation

World population forecasted to reach 7,758,156,000

Share of global car sales taken by autonomous vehicles equals 5 per cent

* Predictions from Quantumrun

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