Splitting Up California is The Right Thing To Do...
A proposal to split California into 3 states will be on November’s ballot and I support this. While I do not work or live in California I do know the economic problems at hand. And that’s just the start of it. I have to admit I preferred Tim Draper’s idea of 6 California’s w/ San Francisco becoming a tax-free Monte Carlo type area...
But now...."NorCal" can sell water, wine and weed..."SoCal" can survive off taxing the masses, taxing the boarders, farming and ag....and "California" (which will include LA and Santa Barbara) can export Hollywood and tourism....
All kidding aside lets seriously think about this. Imagine if the state of Georgia encompassed South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and DC. Despite the fact that I have forever been an economic bear about what "California" is, there is no doubt the state is unmanageable and splitting with debt, over burdened with population (and a lack of housing), even saddled with environmental issues (while forest fires are generally not man made irregardless of the cause...they emit carbon). In San Fran there is so much trash in plain sight you have to wonder if city leadership understands basic health and human rights policy.
“Three states will get us better infrastructure, better education and lower taxes,” Tim Draper, the Silicon Valley venture capitalist who sponsored the ballot measure, said in an email to The Times last summer when he formally submitted the proposal. “States will be more accountable to us and can cooperate and compete for citizens.” - LA TIMES
Many parts of Southern California should never have been settled. The water crisis alone is reason enough to support splitting the state into various chunks. It would be landmark if the state split but the movement is spreading and taking on different forms.
And in the far north region of California, some residents have pushed to form a new state with parts of southern Oregon, and wouldn’t be keen on being lumped together with liberal San Francisco as envisioned by Draper’s map. - Bloomberg
Economically speaking - off the cuff - San Fran, San Jose, LA and San Diego are classic - textbook - examples of housing bubbles. San Fran is such a fervent display of a housing bubble that people spend their entire career studying and researching the man made housing shortage. It is staggering that such housing shortage can happen in a mega-populated state - even when you break up California the population and economic numbers are among the largest in the US.
October 24, 2017
Initiative 17-0018 (Amdt. #1)
Initiative 17-0018 (Amdt. #1)
The Attorney General of California has prepared the following title and summary of the chief purpose and points of the proposed measure:
Divides California into three states subject to approval by Congress. Assigns each county to a new state. Upon passage, directs Governor to request that Congress grant approval within twelve months. If Congress approves, directs Legislature to divide California’s assets and liabilities between the new states. Provides that, if Legislature fails to act within twelve months of Congressional approval, debts shall be distributed among new states based on population relative to California population as a whole, and assets within boundaries of each new state shall become the assets of that new state. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Assuming this measure is approved by voters and the federal government and allowed by the courts, all tax collections and spending by the existing State of California would end. California’s existing state assets and liabilities would be divided among three new states. These states would make their own decisions about state and local taxes and spending. (17-0018.)
Map / Image Source: LA Times