I am a big fan of the JOBS ACT - but not of crowdfunding. However, I am not against crowdfunding, and I see it working in some circumstances, but it's not an excitement. The point is that with a good comes a bad. The JOBS ACT untied some knots but not enough to fully let open the floodgates of capital. The extra oomph needed was confidence. We now have that, and sentiment seems to be on a non stop train, ticking up and up, higher and higher. So should we repeal Dodd Frank?
Is this bad?
I can't possible answer that, but I will say that I think it could be bad now that we have Trump as president. I am fearful of idiotic risk takers, financial magic oil salesman, and bad deals. Is it really time to roll back Dodd Frank?
Anyways, as a restructuring professional, I can only comment.