The 2016 movements are showing a reversion back to 2011 average prices and coffee (Coffee "C") has been lower on the market.
Coffee C & Robusta is in need of a volatility indicator.
The two charts below (short-term/long-term) show consumer monthly average coffee prices per pound.
If you look at the period from 1990 - 2000 (the Starbucks effect) soon after prices tumbled until 2012.
If you look at the period from 1990 - 2000 (the Starbucks effect) soon after prices tumbled until 2012.
To a degree - if averaged out like this - coffee should stay between $4-6 for the next few years - from a consumer price perspective. I can see a brief $8.00 monthly average by 2020. - Chad
Consumer Price Index - Average Price Data
Series Id: APU0000717311
Area: U.S. city average
Item: Coffee, 100%, ground roast, all sizes, per lb. (453.6 gm)
Consumer Price Index - Average Price Data
Series Id: APU0000717311
Area: U.S. city average
Item: Coffee, 100%, ground roast, all sizes, per lb. (453.6 gm)